Spring appears to be here! Ice is still about 3 feet deep on the lake, but the Upper Gull, Lake Margaret, and Bar Harbor channels have opened up! It was in the mid 60's and sunny today, and snow is quickly melting in the woods and forests. Ice on the frog ponds is melting.
First robin was spotted on 4/17/18. The first red winged blackbird made its appearance in the lilac bush outside my kitchen window late this afternoon and has been calling from the white pine. Today we were visited by a flock of juncoes, a flock of red polls...who have been at the feeder for the past two or three weeks...a fox sparrow, a purple finch, two morning doves, and our usual crew of chickadees, nuthatches, and woodpeckers. As darkness began to fall, there was a symphony of spring bird songs.